About Us — Treasures Formals & Bridal
Treasures Formals & Bridal
Treasures Formals & Bridal



What Our Customers love about us...

  • WE ARE FAMILY - A Mom and three daughters, we truly are a family business. Our customers have been kind enough to say we even make them feel like family. This makes us very happy. More than that, our customers keep coming back bringing us their family... sisters, aunts, moms, cousins, grandmas when they need to find a dress for a wedding or special event! That's our biggest compliment - to be your favorite place to bring your family and friends!

  • WE ARE NICE - We certainly try to be! This was a very surprising compliment to us, because we think everyone should do their best to be nice. People also frequently say they shopped with us because we were nice on the phone. We figure if we want you to come see us we'd better start with being nice on the phone! Seems like it's working and we're so glad!

  • WE LISTEN & WE CARE - Even this list came from listening to our customers! More than listening, we try to understand. The words and information you share let us know what you're looking for, what your thoughts are, what your concerns are, what you're trying to accomplish, how you want to look, how you don't want to look, and how we can best help you achieve those goals! We want you to be happy and we try to give our best to make good things happen. 

  • WE ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE - We've been in this business a long time. Our customers often say "I'll bet you've seen it all!" We've had the privilege of helping many women over the years find their perfect dress and thereby have acquired a lot of experience. We're here to offer the best of our knowledge to you in helping fulfill your unique requirements for a dress for your special day! 

  • WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DRESSES - Lauren likes to joke that "We try not to choose any ugly ones." But seriously, our goal is to pick the most gorgeous dresses! We also look for gowns that are well constructed and those with great care and attention to detail  in the design and creation process. Each woman is different and that's why there are so many beautiful styles of dress to choose from! We look forward to helping you find the one that compliments you and matches your personality! That's where the magic happens! 

  • WE HAVE WONDERFUL PRICING - Being that we are family owned we think about every aspect of our store personally and we are very value oriented. In our pricing and our customer service we're always looking to give more than expected. We like to say that we want you to look like a million bucks without having to spend it! Our goal is for our dresses to look like they should cost much more than they do! We like happy surprises when it comes to price tags! 


It all started when...

Just like many journeys ours started with a dream. Bonnie and Lauren began working in formalwear at a very young age and fell in love with helping others find their perfect dress. Love is always tested by hard work and the evidence of our love for this business became unmistakable reality when Treasures began, encompassing our entire family - Vickie, Lauren, Bonnie, and Haylie. Treasures is more than our store, it's our calling and we have enormous respect for and thankfulness to God who made the call evident and who has entrusted us with so many wonderful women over the years to be a part of the special events in their lives. 

We created Treasures as a store for people to come and feel valued, appreciated and respected. Every decision in the design process was made through consideration of our future customers. Life is too short not to treasure the relationships we make and we hope you will see that in every aspect of our interaction with you. We’re here to contribute something to your experience and to create a lasting memory of these treasured times in your life. Our priority is to serve you with dedication to excellence and integrity, commitment to earning your loyalty and respect and focus on creating an enduring impression of your value to us. For us Treasures is the fulfillment of a dream - and we hope it will be for you too.


We didn't get here on our own...

God plants the seed of a dream and then He sends those who water it. Some sprinkle drops of wisdom, encouragement, belief, love, hope, and vision. With honor & respect we thank the people who cared enough to believe in our dream.


Our Family

Our Friends

Our Heroes

Our Business Associates